Author: Jennifer Robin
Perfect Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Arteful Press
(February 1, 2008)
ISBN-10: 0981732208
Book Description:
Growing More Beautiful is a lively, buoyant resource for projecting your essence with creativity and flair. Jennifer Robin's paint box of practical tips, inspiring illustrations, helpful worksheets, and fresh personal insights will open your senses to the beauty of both your inner life and outward appearance, and help make getting dressed a daily act of creation. Image consultant, artist, and author, Jennifer Robin ties it all together in this stunning new book that will help you look and feel more beautiful as you grow into the person you were always meant to be. And, the elements of making art touched on in the book, including principles of design, will help with any creative endeavor, whether it's painting or creating an outfit.
With her new book, Growing More Beautiful, artist and image consultant Jennifer Robin has given women a generous, much-needed gift. This is not your basic how-to beauty book. This is a celebration of you. And if you haven't felt much like celebrating when it comes to your own unique beauty, you're in for a wonderful surprise, to say the least. By the time you finish reading, you are likely to feel nothing less than transformed.
Women everywhere can now breathe a sigh of relief: Growing More Beautiful doesn't focus on How to Look Younger. It encourages women to explore and illuminate their unique beauty and style at any age. Artist and Image Consultant Jennifer Robin takes a refreshing approach with expert advice that's both reassuring and generous; her enthusiasm for playing with color, clothing, make-up, and jewelry is downright contagious. Readers will find shopping more accessible, less confusing, and a lot more fun. She has filled her book with gorgeous images, including her own paintings, so that each page is as inspiring to look at as it is to read.
My Review:
The cover of this book compels one to open and enjoy! Filled with gorgeous artwork and photos, Growing More Beautiful inspires even the most plain among us. Every woman who reads it will want to start immediately to become more attractive and captivating, not only on the outside but the inside as well.
Growing More Beautiful is an amazing book that is pure joy to read. It is truly inspirational with lots of ideas on how to dress...
being true to your own personality.
(Thank you to the author for my review copy.)