Paperback: 408 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace (June 20, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1463618166
Book Description:
Have you ever done anything you’re ashamed of? For popular talk show host Jessamine Cray, it started as just another piece of slightly weird fan mail: a single typed line on an unsigned sheet of paper that reads: Have you ever done anything you’re ashamed of? No one takes it as a threat until the second communication comes, and then the third… a blood-stained prom dress, a disfigured photograph from a high school year book, copies of private papers to which no one but Jess should have had access. Every celebrity’s worst nightmare has come true for Jessamine Cray: she is being stalked, and shame is her terrorist’s secret weapon. Old friends, former lovers, guests on her talk show, colleagues and family members… no one is safe from suspicion, and everyone has a motive—even Jess herself. As the police investigation turns its spotlight on Jess herself and uncovers her most deeply buried secrets, Jess can only watch in helpless horror as her tormentor’s diabolical plan unfolds. First he will shatter her trust, then he will shake her peace of mind … and then he will come for her. And by the time she sees him coming, it will be too late.
My thoughts:
Jessamine Cray, a popular talk show host, is receiving weird notes from an unknown stalker. His question: "Have you ever done anything you are ashamed of?" As she tries to dismiss the person as just another creep, Jess receives a prom dress stained with what appears to be blood. Then when she finds herself trapped in a dark stairwell with someone who obviously is out to get her, she realizes that some people are more than just talk. What connection does the dress have with her? Does this person know her personally? Who are they? How much do they know about her life history? Is she in serious danger? EXPOSURE hits the ground running, keeps moving, and ends strong. Donna Ball's novel is brilliant; it made my heart race; I could feel the fear. The entire book is very well written and kept me on the edge of my seat! I highly recommend it. Thank you to the author for my review copy. And congratulations Ms. Ball on a job well done!!