By- Mary Singer Wick
200 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press, Inc.
Publication date: 2/20/09
My Heart's Desire is an inspiring story of one woman's search for health, happiness, and everlasting love.
Mary Singer Wick shares with the reader, her earnest desire to one day have a family of her own, but first must undertake a long search for physical and spiritual healing. Her story is one of personal growth and, eventually, finding her heart's desire through a deep relationship with God.
This deeply personal and passionate book is well written and moves rapidly along. It is one you could easily read in one evening.
Thank you Mary for sharing your spiritual odyssey with us.
(Thanks goes to the author for my review copy)
The author did it right....I started a family first and THEN did the spiritual/physical healing. Not easy! But good rewards! Thanks for this lovely review...looks like a great book! xo
Thank you for your gracious review of my book, Barbara. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I always pray that whoever reads it will be inspired to move closer to God for the love, healing and transformation they are seeking in their own lives.
Be blessed!
Mary Singer Wick, Amazon #1 bestselling author of "My Heart's Desire: A Journey Toward Finding Extravagant Love"
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