"You must have a place to which you can go in your heart, your mind, or your house, almost everyday, where you do not owe anyone and where no one owes you--a place that simply allows for the blossoming of something new and promising." - Joseph Campbell
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday
We've always been a family that enjoyed holidays and celebrations and the Super Bowl is no exception. Any excuse to have a party is alright by me!!!
I'm planning the menu which will consist of easy to serve foods. Today I'll do the shopping and tomorrow will find me baking homemade brownies (frosted, of course) from an old recipe that I've used for years.
So far, the menu goes like this:
BBQ Ribs
Sloppy Joes
Buffalo Wings
Baked Beans
Potato Salad
Veggie Tray
Fruit Tray
Chips and a variety of dips
Frosted Brownies
Iced Tea
(and more, as I think of it)
***Are you planning a party or will Sunday be a quiet day at your house?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A Proclamation
I, Barbara, hereby adopt the following principles as a part of my everyday life.
1. Love deeply and unconditionally.
2. Appreciate this beautiful, abundant world.
3. Simplify, simplify, simplify.
4. Embrace my unique, creative self, without self-criticism.
5. Validate each person that my life touches.
6. Choose to find joy in all things....even adversity.
***What are the principles governing your daily life?
Don't forget the Valentine's Day Giveaway (details below in a previous post).
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
A Visit From Kendyl Grace
As some of you know, she was born with most of her intestines outside her body and had a miraculous recovery. She is doing well and loves her bottle.
Thanks again for all of your support.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Lost But Found
Years ago when the children were young I enjoyed doing crewel embroidery and made one of these little horses each year to go on our Christmas tree. As you can see (photo below), they are dated; the first one is dated 1979.
I have six children and only finished three horses. Life got too busy, so I put the needlework away and went on to more important matters.
This Christmas as I took these three precious little horses out of their boxes and placed them on the tree, I wished I had continued to make six of them to hand down to each of my children as keepsakes.
Last night, a vague memory came to me as I was about to drift off to sleep. I got up from bed, went to my closet and found a box that had not been opened for years. Inside, I found two little crewel horse kits that were completely untouched! Well, that would make five when the two were completed. I needed one more. Today, I found one on the Internet and now I'll be able to complete the set.
I have been excited all day about finding the tiny treasures in my closet and the sixth one on the web. This year, God willing, I will finish my children's keepsakes
Don't forget the Valentine's Day Giveaway. Details below.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Valentine Tree Photo
Some of my readers have ask to see a full photo of my Valentine Tree, so here's about the best I can do. The picture doesn't do justice to the tree at all. For some reason I couldn't get a clear image, but I think you'll have a better idea of what the tree looks like, anyway.
Jim and I love it. When I turn it's lights off, Jim wonders why(that's how much he appreciates it), so I switch them back on. It is simply beautiful in real life and a real joy to both of us. Wish you could be here to see it.
I'm already collecting items for the Saint Patrick's Day Tree and the Easter Tree. The expectation and search is so much fun!! I definitely recommend the holiday trees to anyone who wishes to add a bit of celebration to their home year around.
***Don't forget the Valentine's Day Giveaway. Photo and rules are listed below.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
The Schnauzer and The Puggle
Big Valentine Giveaway
This is the biggest one I've done so far. The name of one of my lucky readers will be drawn a week before Valentine's Day. They will receive all of the items listed below just in time for the holiday:
Here are the rules:
~ 1 Entry for leaving a comment. Enter everyday!
~ 5 Entry each time you mention my giveaway on your blog. (Mention me everyday and get 5 entries each day!!)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Pine Cone Centerpiece
The cinnamon scented pine cones have been the best part of the entire arrangement, filling the room with a deliciously delicate aroma.
Since our home's interior is lodge-style, I intend to use the centerpiece for several months.
The cost of the arrangement was approx. $25.00.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
The Jackie O Virtual Pedal Pusher Club
Last summer I discovered I could ride a bike again after not being on one for many, many years. I eventually became confident in my riding skills and went out several times each week for rides along the river biking paths here in our area. I can hardly wait to get out there again and feel a fresh breeze on my face.
Last year I had a pretty purple 18-speed bike that I bought at Walmart. I still love that bike, but I decided one without speeds would be safer, since that's the kind I learned to ride years ago. I just like foot brakes, too. So for Christmas Jim bought me a Barbie pink beach cruiser that's sitting downstairs until good weather is here again.
(Barbie pink beach cruiser like the one I received for Christmas.)

I wish all of you could be here to ride with me along the bike path when the weather gets warmer, but for now.....
Ladies? Will the meeting please come to order?
I'm inviting you to join the "The Jackie O Virtual Pedal Pusher Club." The first meeting is being held right here at The Serenity Gate.
The first order of business is to set some club rules.
1. Each member must own a virtual bike. Any color will do.
2. Each member must own a pair of big Jackie O virtual sunglasses. Any color will do.
3. Each member must wear a bright colored virtual scarf on each bike ride. Any color will do.
So, let's get crazy and creative.....
It's your turn to add a rule or two, tell us about your virtual bike, where you would like to go and describe what you intend to wear on the club's virtual biking adventures.
Ladies, don't forget the Valentine's Day drawing. See rules below.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Blogging Reality

***Why did you start your blog? Was it for writing practice? A way to keep in touch with your family? Find new friends? Market and showcase your writing skill? Or something else?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Vision Boards

Don't forget my giveaway. Details are below.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
There's Going To Be A Big Winner
Friday, January 16, 2009
Thank You Beautiful Friends
I feel that we had a visit from her the evening after her death. Our little schnauzer, Riley, goes to bed around 11:00 p.m. each night. If Jim and I are still up, he will sometimes take himself to bed (on our bed). That particular night I had been sobbing and Riley had been VERY SAD for me. His ears were back and his body language showed his anguish. He stayed up with Jim and I until we went to bed between midnight and 1:00 a.m. After the three of us crawled into bed, Riley got an EXTREME burst of energy, which has NEVER happened in his 4 years of life. He was smiling as he rolled around on the bed, coming back and forth to Jim and me, enticing us to play. He jumped off the bed, ran around the house, back onto the bed, encouraging us to get up and come with him to play. We were exhausted, so we turned out the light hoping he would settle down. He jumped off the bed again and ran to the living room. Fifteen minutes later he came to bed, settling down in his familiar spot for the night. My feeling is that he had experienced her energy as she came back for a short visit with us. Last night Riley was back to his normal routine, going to bed at his favorite time and falling asleep peacefully.
Jim and I want to thank all of you sweet, sweet readers for the kind words of encouragement and the sacred stories and poems you shared about your own pets. Your love for them is tender and eternal.
I have always heard that you can tell the character of a person by the way they treat an animal. I am so honored to be associated with people like you-- people who love and care for those precious ones entrusted to our care.
***Thanks to our youngest daughter, Becka, for creating the picture of Tai with angel wings (see photo below). Becka is the real reason Tai came to be our girl, but that's another story.
God bless all of you.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My emotional wound is so fresh and raw. My eyes and head hurt from all the tears that have been shed today. Jim and I had to put, Tai, our faithful 14-15 year old Lab-mix down this afternoon. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
Tai died with her head lying on my lap in the vet's office. She drifted easily into a peaceful goodbye as I sat crying using tissue after tissue. The staff was kind, but nothing could change the fact that she was leaving the family she had loved so much.
How does someone replace a "one of a kind" animal? Tai came to our house of her own accord a little over 13 years ago. She was a stray and decided our home was where she wanted to live. I even drove her a couple of miles away thinking she would find her real home, but she found her way back to us that evening! There she was sitting with a smile on her face as if we should be glad she was back. From that night on, she was home and never left our side again. She loved us with every inch of her 47 pounds and would have defended our home with her very life...no doubt about it.
So today Tai's story ended...she will always have a place of great honor in our hearts. A dog we didn't choose, had obeyed our every command and loved us with a selfless love beyond compare. "No greater love is this..."
Goodbye, faithful and loyal friend.
(I wrote a story about Tai last summer. "Tai Goes Home" can be found in the June 2008 issue of Story Circle Journal)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Broccoli And Cauliflower Salad
Thanks to our good friend, Tileena, we now have a new favorite salad at our house. I served it on our Christmas Eve buffet and made it again on New Year's Day. I made it again this afternoon and can't wait to serve it up.
Broccoli And Cauliflower Salad
1 head fresh broccoli, broken up
1/2 lb. bacon, fried crisp, drained, and crumbled
1 c. mild Cheddar, shredded
1/4 cup unsalted sunflower seeds
1 head fresh cauliflower, broken up
1 c. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. vinegar
1/4 c. sugar
Combine dressing ingredients and whip. Pour on top of salad ingredients. Mix well. Serve chilled.
Thanks Tileena!!
***Do you have a favorite salad you serve when company comes?
Gentle Giant
(Tucker asleep at Christmas 2008)
Last summer I often sat in my garden alone in the evening listening to relaxing music and sipping southern sweet tea. This was my special treat as the sun slowly moved beyond the sunburned mountain and allowed the valley air to cool.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Lavendar Dreams (Revisited)

Every woman needs a room of her own, especially when she arrives at mid-life. Men seem to find this space earlier in the form of an office or workshop or perhaps the fishing bank. My husband once commented after a day of fishing that he found being out in nature was a spiritual experience for him. He could sense the Creator in the beauty around him. I'm sure many men and women have experienced the same feeling and it's not uncommon to find a state of peace while gardening.
As I have mentioned before, I created a space in my backyard garden, where this same peaceful state of mind could easily exist; where the Spirit could be nourished. As fall and winter settled in on us I searched for the same "healing place" I had found in my summer garden. I decided in December (2007) to turn our guest room into my "Serenity Room". It would be a place to pray and meditate, read, write, listen to music and dance if I felt like it.
The room was perfect with it's pale lavender walls and cream colored carpet. Now all it needed was the right accessories. I wanted each picture, vase, pillow, chair, candle, quilt and figurine to have special meaning; evoking positive attitudes and tranquility.
Robert Brault once said, "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things." Small things make up the content of my quiet room. Joy is found in soft music, beloved books, candlelight, letters well written, soft pastels, fluffy pillows and the down comforter.
Whether, inside or out-of-doors, give yourself permission to relax and rest in a space of your own. The opportunity to be alone for a few moments is priceless. Listen to your favorite music, have lunch on the patio-- served up on your favorite china and crystal, take a nap in the afternoon (delicious), daydream, read poetry, write in your journal, pray, dance.
Treat yourself as you would a welcomed guest.
Copyright 2008 By-Barbara Davis
Sunday, January 11, 2009
How Happy Are You?

The name of one of my lucky readers will be drawn a week before Valentine's Day and will receive these items:
~ 1 Point for leaving a comment. Enter everyday!
~ 5 Points each time you mention my giveaway on your blog.
Biggest Giveaway Ever
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The Valentine Tree
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Finished Spirit

Thursday, January 8, 2009
The Greatest Is Love

Gracious Living

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I'm More Than That

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
My Winter Blahs

1. Taking my vitamins and eating my salads. Heavy food seems to make the matter worse.
2. Watch a comedy on DVD.
3. Spending a little time outside each day.
4. Finding somewhere to go each day, even if it's only to browse at the mall.
5. Placing a phone call to a friend and catching up on emails.
6. Keeping the coffee maker going!
Monday, January 5, 2009
An Interval Of Rest
Friday, January 2, 2009
Time To Rest And Look Ahead