After my children grew up and began leaving home, there were some things I wanted to accomplish and since I was in my early fifties, I felt there was only a short window of time to get them done.
I ended up achieving my goals by defining exactly what I wanted, imagining myself in the role, and actually doing what needed to be done to get there. It took time and effort, but I met my goals.
As most of you know, I love playing games. Today I think it might be fun to do some role-playing...pretending. I want us to act out the person we want to be. Let's get into the character.
1. What are you dreaming of becoming? A best selling author, an artist, a widely read blogger, an actress, a prize-winning cook, an expert in some professional field, a community leader, a business owner? What's your dream? Define it on paper.
2. Will your dream require a time commitment? How much time can you allot to your goal? Will you need a day planner? A babysitter? Household help? Can you sit aside time to attend a meeting, a class, or to be alone? How much and how often? Are you willing to meet and talk with others in your chosen field? Are you interested in reading anything you can find on your subject?
3. Your dream will take discipline and a strong will. Are you willing to work at finding inner-strength. It may take lots of positive self-talk and the discarding of negative personal perceptions.
4. Now, in your mind, practice becoming that successful person. Talk as if you are that person, walk as if you are that person, dress as if you are that person, manage your life as if you are that person.
5. Success is all about having a dream, believing in yourself, discipline, time commitment, and living as though it's a reality.
It won't be easy, but if you do the things I've outlined, you will succeed in becoming the person you dream of.
***Do you have a dream? What are you doing to make it a reality?
This post is a good companion to mine yesterday! Thanks for the encouragement. :)
And I love the peanut butter poll. How fun!
I love this post as I am dreaming about my future since I am now in my early 50's. Making it happen takes work but I'm trying. I don't want to live the way we have the past two years--in fear of job losses and at the mercy of the economy. I want to work with those who value people and make a difference--those are some of my dreams!
Janna- I think women should encourage other women. I really believe that.
Terri- Don't let your dreams get away from you. Our 50's can be our best years. Whatever your goal, I know you can make it happen!
Thank you so much for the encouraging post! My goal, might be a stange one to you, but I want to teach doing crafts. I'm not an expert at any, but I do know a little something about crochet, knitting, paper crafting, etc. I would love to share what I do know, no matter how little it is...it might have value to someone else.
Jill- I think that is perfectly reasonable and hope you will follow the dream. Blessings.
Yup, our 50's can be such a strong time for dreams and goals!
Inspiring post!
Yes, yes, yes, to everything in your number one slot. :)
Actually. I can narrow it to a few. And I have NO DESIRE to be on stage.
And working hard and diligently is what its all about, and I've got a lifetime ahead of me...
good post by the way. I think today would be a good day for a sit down conference with myself. :)
Kathryn- Our 50's rock!!!
Heather- By the look of your blog, I think you're going to be very successful throughout life. Follow your heart.
My goal is too help others. I have found that just encouraging others and believeing in them gives them hope. Just as your entry does for others.
If I can help just one person reach their goal. Then I have reached my goal.
Roz- Your goal is selfless. Nothing could be better than that.
I'm glad I've read your post! This is something I've been struggling with; I'm newly retired and can't decide what I want the rest of my life to look like!! I've got so much that I want to do, I'm having difficulty isolating where to put my energies first! I like that I finally have some time to relax and re-fuel.. but I'm also in my late 50's and there's not a lot of time to waste. Thank you for helping me to focus with this post of yours!! I needed this!
Michele- Wishing you an exciting journey along your new path.
Very inspiring blog as aspire to follow my goals as I adapt through the empty nest syndrome. I had two children right of of H.S. 6yrs apart which delayed my continuing education. As a single parent your children are your primary priority for which you have to make sacrifices. At the tender age of 43I definitely want to pursue my degree but with the economy in this shape, paying for college for my youngest and my own is near impossible. But it's a dream that high on my list to do someday.
I'm a 55th man from Indonesia. I like to read your post, because I want to share life experiences with you. At this time in my country there are many corruption, natural disasters, and various other sufferings. I want your comment about my nation.
Very encouraging words, I really needed to hear that today. Thanks
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