I've been hearing a lot about "vision boards" lately. It seems they are the thing now to have on one's wall.
A "vision board" is a simple visualization tool made of poster board with pictures glued on as reminders of a person's goals and dreams. The concept has been around for ages, but has become popular with the recent best selling book, "The Secret." It is said that focusing on the board will bring about success and help your dreams come true. I don't know if I believe in them, but I do know what I would put on one....if I had one.
1. Maintain a strong faith
2. Inspire others
3. Live in the moment
*** What would you put on your "vision board"....if you had one?
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I think mine would be layer upon layer of ever-evolving visions/dreams. I'd probably end up with a thick decoupage. :)
Angie- You not only dream, but you make them come true!
1. Look for what's beautiful in life every day.
2. Take time to cherish and honor it.
3. Look more to the future and not to the past.
Linda- Three good ones!
I just finished my morning blog and guess what? I had wild and crazy visions on mine and then read your blog about vision boards! We are on the same blog channel! LOL!
Love the idea of vision boards and I'm going to start one today!
I must add to the top of my list, to love passionately and be grateful every moment. And to do at least one random act of kindness.
Good challenge! Mine would have to include:
1. An elderly woman full of health and vigor.
2. A completed auto-biography to leave for my grandchildren.
3. Sitting before the Lord each and every day - Bible, pen & journal in hand. (Though this is really my #1 vision)
1. Love the Lord
2. Dream big
3. Live today
Keep your priorities straight: God, husband, family. Work as unto the Lord, but don't lose sight of the more important things.
I think mine would just be a reminder that "Everything matters, everything counts." Every look, gesture, touch, word, feeling.
I'd have writing goals up there, to be sure, but most important would be "be selfless" and "love others as Jesus did."
My three choices would be:-
1.Do as you would be done by.
2.Live in the now.
3.Let choices facilitate changes.
Donna- I admire your energy. I think we're on the same page.
Sassy Granny- I think you must be a "strong woman"...I love that.
Terri- Wishing to blessings and many "big dreams"
Linda- Good point!
Joanne- I agree completely. EVERYTHING counts. It's a grest reminder.
Janna- Love and selfless living...most important!!
Jinksy- If we all "did unto others as we would have them do unto us" things would certainly be different in this world.
Darlene- thanks for dropping by.
I actually finally made one - although once I made it I stuck it somewhere and haven't looked at it again - but I think I will - I want to see if there is something on there that shows any indication of where I am now. I made the board several months back...hmm, now I'm curious!
I think I would first want to stop & thank the good Lord for all that he has already given me, and then I would ask that he help me be satisfied with the things have. Blessings, Karen
Kathryn- Dig it out and let us know how far you've come on your dreams.
KKJD1- Yes, God is the source of all blessings...those we see and those we will never see until we sit at his knee and talk with Him face to face. "Now we see thru a glass darkly" don't we?
mine, if I had one, would say
l. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God......
2. Live each day as if it were the last.
3. You can't worry about tomorrow it has not gotten here yet.
Lea- I love your three.
Mine would simply say, "Life is good!" Talk about condensed graditude. :o)
Vision boards are very powerful tools when used in conjunction with the law of attraction.
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