Here's a look into the Table of Contents:
Introduction 11
Subjects for WritingWriting and Knowing 19
The Family: Inspiration and Obstacle 30
Death and Grief 39
Writing the Erotic 46
The Shadow 56
Witnessing 64
Poetry of Place 74
The Poet's CraftImages 85
Simile and Metaphor 94
The Music of the Line 104
Voice and Style 115
Stop Making Sense: Dreams and Experiments 129
Meter, Rhyme, and Form 138
Repetition, Rhythm, and Blues151
More Repetition: Villanelle, Pantoum, Sestina 161A Grammatical Excursion 171
The Energy of Revision 186
The Writing LifeSelf-Doubt 195
Writer's Block 199
Writing in the Electronic Age 204
Getting Published 217
Twenty-Minute Writing Exercises 225
App. ABooks on Poetry and Writing 257
App. BAnthologies for Further Reading 261
App. CFinding Markets for Your Poems 266
App. DMore Resources for Writers 267
Credits 272
Index 277
Here are the rules for the giveaway:
~ 1 Entry for leaving a comment. Enter everyday if you like!
~ 3 Entries for becoming a "Follower" (see right-hand column).
~ 5 Entries each time you mention my giveaway on your blog. (Mention me everyday and get 5 entries each day!!)
Good luck to all.
Looks like a really good read for those interested in the art and mechanics of poetry. :)
Happy Sunday.
This looks like a great book! I'm so glad I found your blog & I'm now a new follower!
Barbara, that is a nice book and journal. You are sweet to give that away.
Most of my life I have wanted to write something special.
I hope your Sunday is the "Best."
Sounds like a wonderful book and I really love the idea of giving away a journal with it. Very clever!
thanks for the chance to win
I blogged this giveaway
I am new to blogging; I enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you!
I am a blogger and I have a friend who would love this book and I would love to win it for her, she says my swaps are the bomb!
So Angie, if I win this, I am winning it for you, my Texas friend!
This is the most beautiful blog I have ever seen. I love coming to your blog and feeling the Serenity. The music is absolutely beautiful. I'm definitely a follower from now on!
I have been thinking about writing poetry for a while now. Since I haven't really tried I can't say I'm horrible at it. However, it seems like I write nothing like the poets I've read.
Hi Barabra :)
Please put my name in the hat for your giveaway. It looks like a wonderful prize! I am a follower and mentioned your giveaway at my blog here...
Have a great day!
What a beautiful site. My blog friend Georgia Rectors left me a note about your give away. I will be back to see you again.
I have a palm pilot but it will never replace old fashioned handwriting. I would leave this next to my bed to read and journal in before going to bed at night, or if I wake up with an idea, I can just jot it down.
What a wonderful gift! Debra Rector sent me;)
Barbara, while I'd love to win one of your giveaways... if my name has been entered in this one at all, will you take it out? Since my forte isn't poetry, I'd hate to take a chance away from someone for whom it is. Thank you! :)
Came to your site from Georgia Rectors - did enjoy reading your blog. Shall call again.
I love writing poetry. This book sounds wonderful as does the journal. Thank you.
Yahoo! I follow you and I posted about this on the top right corner of my blog :)
Looks interesting.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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