1. A fantastic new summer tote by Ralph Lauren ($8.00)
2. A beautiful, medium size, pink scented candle for my Serenity Room ($2.99)
3. An ultra thick, leather-like journal to carry in my tote ($3.99)
I bought all of this at Ross Discount.
Yes, I love fashion, candles, journals, books, etc. and I can have some wonderful items by shopping with bargains in mind.
***Do you shop for bargains? Have you found something really great recently? Where do you like to shop?
Oh my gosh, a girl after my own heart! There is no greater word in the English language than "bargain." Your finds make me wish we had a Ross in our area!
I love Target for clothes and shoes, and TJ Maxx for bedding and home decor (and I've found gorgeous journals there for just a few dollars). I once went into TJ Maxx, hoping for a King-size navy quilt. It sat waiting for me on the shelf - Clearance - $30! I was one happy girlie. :)
Janna- I am soooo happy when I find a real bargain. I could hardly believe I found the tote for $8.00. I LOVE totes! It was just sitting there staring at me, so I had to have it.
We don't have a Target or TJ Maxx...wish we did.
I love Ross!
Heather- It's fun to go there several times each week to explore. They're always getting new things in.
Hmmm...I have not been to Ross for ages. I think I feel a shopping trip coming on!
Linda- Ross is only about 5 minutes from our house, so it's pretty easy to go there and explore. It's so much fun to hunt for those "true bargain" items.
Wish I could find a journal like that. Yes I shop for bargains. Everything here is half an hour to 45 minutes away so only shop when I am in town. We do have a Super Walmart. I always look for the clearance stuff. I found a pair of lovely black dress pants for 3.00. AND a basket full of gloves/scarves that match for l.00 each. I love having those on hand for a add on gift or when grandkids come and want to play outside in the winter and forget their gloves.
Lea- Wow, that was a good deal on the scarves and gloves. I think with the economy the way it is, we're going to see more and more good deals.
I've got a house full of "bargains."
It will take me years to unload them!! Do love to shop though!!!
Michele- Ditto.
Ross is always good for a look-see. How'd you go from looking for the green to all pink? :)
Angie- I'll take a bargain, no matter what color. LOL
Great finds! I do love a great bargain.
Debbie- I could shop all day for a bargain. LOL.
I'm so glad no one was hurt...
I recently bought a couch at a consignment store for $40.00 and I'm sooooo excited.
Pop over to my blog to see it.
Have a fabulous weekend.
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