The following review comes from a reader over on Amazon.com.
"Blackbird House is a series of interconnected short stories. While they can surely be read one at a time, if they are read together loosely as a novel they will provide most readers with another of Ms. Hoffman's books steeped in wonderful characterizations and magic realism. Every sense is awakened as one digests her flowing words. We feel her characters joys and losses, revel in her descriptions of nature and animals and hope for a good outcome for her characters lives as they unfold before our eyes. With the house as a backdrop and one of her most endearing characters, Ms. Hoffman provides her readers with pages filled with unusual people, magical places and events which challenge the emotions of the human heart. So entranced was I by some of the passages and stories, I was forced to close the book for a few minutes and take deep breaths before I could go on to read more.."
This review sums up, perfectly, my own feelings about the book. In fact, I enjoyed the book so much, my next giveaway is going to be a copy of "Blackbird House" by Ms. Hoffman. The drawing will take place on April 1st.
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***Can you suggest a book, you have read, that you would gladly read again, if you had the time?
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Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the recommendation.
I have to check out this book! Joanne just mentioned the possibility of writing such a book to me this evening (in response to my post today), and I need to see how separate stories are woven together. Thanks, Barbara! Library, here I come.
Pat- I'm giving away this book on April 1st.
Janna- There will be a drawing for this book on April 1st.
That book sounds like one I'd really enjoy. Thanks for showcasing it.
Linda- I'll add your name to the drawing.
That book sounds like just the kind I would love!
Barbara, I'm in the U.K..... would I be able to enter your giveaways and pay for the postage myself if I'm a winner?
Oh! I must have skipped over that part... I'll enter like crazy, then! ;)
I've been working my way through Hoffman's books too, am currently reading Local Girls, another novel of linked short stories. This one is a variation, though, in that the stroyline is a little different than typical Hoffman. It's more a coming-of-age story, I'm very much enjoying it!
Lesley- Yes, we can work something out. I have you entered.
Janna- You're entered. Good luck!
Joanne- Did you read Blackbird House? I have Local Girls in my personal library, but haven't read it. Yesterday, I started reading the classic, Woman In White, so Local Girls may be the next.
We're going to have to get an Alice Hoffman reading group started.
Can you enter me in the drawing for this book?
Becca- You are now entered.
Thanks Barbara! :D
Sounds like a good book, Barbara! I love short stories....
Looks good count me in please. Blessings,Karen
Barbara, I haven't read Blackbird House. My daughter is reading it right now. But I just finished Local Girls, very good coming of age story. Still, if I had to pick, so far my favorite is still Ice Queen!
Thanks for this information. Alice Hoffman is one of my favorite authors, too, but I haven't read this one yet. Short stories are wonderful little gems when they are well-written, aren't they? Take care, Angela
Sounds like a good book Barbara. I like most of Laurie Wicks books
sounds wonderful thanks for the giveaway
I just finished "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett - I can't recommend it too highly. An easy read and a very moving story. asthenight at gmail dot com
Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me.
Sounds like an interesting and in-depth read. I'd love a chance to win it!
ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com
My all time favorite read was The Red Tent. I recommend it to all of my friends, and none have been disappointed.
I love finding new authors! thanks for the review and giveaway!
bsyb100 at gmail dot com
I could use a new book
I am always looking for a new book... thank you for the contest
I love Sam's letters to Jennifer by James Patterson. Thank you for the giveaway!
Blackbird House sounds like an interesting book. I usually read while I'm waiting to pick up my kids from one of their activities, so a book with short stories that are connected is a good format for me.
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