Our daughter Linda took this photo of the two of them while they were on a walk through Palisades Park on Thursday. The city of Spokane, Washington is in the background. Linda knows how much her dad loves the great out-of-doors, so she, her sweet labrador Maggie, Jim, and Riley went for a walk while Lori and I were shopping. I thought this was a great picture.
Oh Barbara, what a handsome fella.... and the man isn't so bad either! :O) Only joking, they're both lovely and the scenery is fantastic!
Lesley- Yep, I'm pretty lucky to have two handsome men to look at all day long.
It's a gorgeous photo! Love that scene.
Awww, and they're both TOTALLY paying attention to you. How nice is that?
Handsome boys!
What fantastic scenery!
Some photos capture more than a mere image. I know this must speak to your heart in a tender way.
My youngest son was born in Spoken in 1973. We lived there but a few years before heading back across the mountains to Tacoma. However, we still enjoy visiting, which we did following Thanksgiving, and then again 2 weeks ago as we travelled to my aunt's funeral in Okanogan. It will always be a special place for us.
Is it getting warmer yet?
Janna- I agree, the area around Spokane is just breathtaking.
Angie- Actually, Linda took the picture. I'm afraid they don't listen to me that well. lol.
Donna- Thank you!
Kathleen- Spokane has had a terrible winter. When we were there last week, it was raining and windy. They are still having predictions of snow.
Nice picture of your two fellas.
Pat- Thank you!!
Yes, Spokane is getting snow again. This is crazy weather, but maybe we'll finally break the all time most snow record. We broke it for December, but I'm really hoping we break it for the whole winter.
That was a fun day!
Linda- Your dad loved this walk with you and the fur babies. Thanks for all the thoughtful things you and Mike did for us while we were there at your place!
Great men you have there, Barbara!
Becca- thank you!
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