"Whether we are poets or parents or teachers or artists or gardeners, we must start where we are and use what we have. In the process of creation and relationship, what seems mundane and trivial may show itself to be holy, precious, part of a pattern."
-Luci Shaw
Many times when looking back, I realize I was being lead to a sacred place. To get there, I placed my life in God's hands and started out, not seeing with clarity the path before me, or the turns that path would take. -Barbara Davis
***Do you sometimes find yourself on a path, not knowing where or how it will end? Where are you, on your path, at this moment?
Most often in my life I find that I was led and not on a path that I would have freely chosen for myself. Funny how life works that way, isn't it. But I am grateful!
Pat- It's a precious path, indeed.
Absolutely. What helps most often is remembering He guides my path, and that I won't wind up lost from the destination He has planned.
This scripture fits perfectly:
Proverbs 16:9 - In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
Janna- I love the verse. Many thanks!
I'm on a path right now, that I don't know where it goes.
The path of greif of loosing my son in such a horrible accident. This path has hills of guilt, and valley's of tears. But somehow I'm moving along, slowly.
God's here....somewhere.
I think we have several intertwining paths, some continue, some end, and new ones are always there branching off, if we care to explore new journeys. Home, family, writing, all curve ahead right now, filled with possibility.
Most of my life I've plowed my paths through life's wilderness. Of course, my paths ran into quick sand, briars and dead ends. I'm learning to trust Him to show me the path to choose. The lesson I have to learn many times over, unfortunately, is to wait to see which path He wants me to take instead of wandering off on my own!
Dawn- I've read of your grief on your blog and my heart hurts for you. I pray that the pain will soon lessen. I'm sending many prayers your way.
Joanne- There are so many possibilities in life and so many adventurous paths...some difficult to navigate and others beautiful and majestic.
I always think of the scripture "we see thru a glass darkly" but someday we'll see the entire perfect picture, won't we?
Donna- Those are some good descriptions of life and I can certainly relate. Whatever, the condition of the path, though, He's always there with us.
This path I am on is not clear nor the direction but I am trying to be patient and trust. Patience is not always my strength.
Lea- Blessings on your path.
Yep, I look around often for signposts, but trust in the ultimate map (Bible). :0) That's also what I love about the yearly Lenten journey -- it gives me the opportunity to evaluate where I am on the road and to see if I need to make adjustments/detours.
Angie- The "map" is a good path to follow.
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