Jim planted these in our front yard a few years ago and each spring we get to enjoy their beauty for a week or two. They are absolutely gorgeous. I've even had people come up to our door to ask about them. They are definitely my favorite flower.
***What's growing in your yard or garden?
Your peonies are gorgeous! My cleamtis vine is in it's third year and really starting to climb and spread. It is full of wonderful deep purple blooms. Makes me happy everytime I see them.
I should proof things before I hit the button, spelled clematis wrong. Reminds me of the story of the man sent to the nursery by his wife....he asked for chlamidia in stead of clematis. And I am not sure I spelled that right!!!!!
Kathy's K- I've always wanted to grow clematis but haven't found the right spot for it. I need to find a place and plant some before too long.
I know what you mean about it making you happy. I always admire it when I see it in another person's yard.
Lovely photograph
Those Peonies are awesome! I don't have any now but had them in the past. Mine were always full og ants. Do you have that problem?
lizzie- Thank you.
Carol- The peonies secrete a sweet substance that attracts the ants, which in turn eat the bad insects that may infest the plant.
We haven't had much of a problem with too many ants on ours. It may have something to do with where they are planted. Our are planted close to the street and away from the house.
The only real problem we've had is with wind and rain. They are delicate and can't seem to thrive in severe conditions.
My peonies are a month behind yours - I can't wait for them after seeing yours! My irises are are about to pop open - otherwise I'm in wait mode.
suZen- Iris is another one of my favorites. I have a yellow one that's blooming, but those on the west side of the house have a little more time to go before they open.
Lovely peonies! Spring seems so late in arriving this year up here -- the tulips at Mum's care home are only up about 6 or 8 inches, so we're a long way from seeing peonies in people's yards! So I especially appreciate you sharing yours.
We had white peonies on our farm when I was growing up, and yes, there were always ants scurrying all over the buds.
Things are much slower in blooming out here on the West Plains. Lilacs will be out in 10 days or 2 weeks, the peonies are just above ground. I covered everything last night like my new tomatoes plants and it is supposed to frost again tonight. Hope everything will be OK.
Barbara- Lilacs and Magnolia trees are my favorite. Unfortunately, neither blooms for too long. I absolutely love bringing the fresh lilacs into the house- it makes everything smell like spring. That and grilling out on the patio :)
scb- We live in a little valley where the temps are moderate. At times there can be snow on the mountains above, but our valley will be green and lovely. Here in our valley plants start to bloom earlier and we don't experience some of the harsh conditions of the higher elevations.
I wish I also had some white peonies. They are so beautiful.
Lea- Our lilacs are blooming here in the valley. You should move here and bring your horses! There's lots of room to ride in the valley and the mountains.
Dani- I love lilacs, too, but once I loved them too much. LOL. I made a bouquet of them, put them up to my nose and smelled them on the way home from picking. I must have become allergic, because now when I get close to smell them, I get a headache. Oh, how I wish, I could just put my nose up to them again....their fragrance is Heaven.
Your Peonies are beautiful, and they're my favorite color...PINK...right now in the front of our house is Iris starting to bloom...The burgundy colored Iris is in full bloom and the yellow is starting to bloom.
JD- I can imagine your beautiful iris. I came to appreciate them when I was very young. When I was a child, my family would always visit the Iris Gardens. I wish all parents would expose young people to the wonder and beauty of flowers.
Heather- Thank you!
We'll be planting our garden in the next week or so, getting the garden tilled this week. Tomatoes, zucchini,a little lettuce, maybe, ringed by marigolds. Then my daughters will plant their flower garden, then all the deck pots. This is the calm before the planting storm!
Joanne- Wow, are you going to be a busy lady! Your garden sounds wonderful.
Wow, your peonies are fabulous! They remind me of an English garden, my favorite! Well, one of them anyway! Nothing much is growing yet in our gardens of Northern Michigan...we are still on bulbs and looking for the leaves to come out on the trees. BUT, all the cherry and apple and peach trees are in bloom so the countryside is a veritable symphony of whites and pinks! I love being beyond the serenity gate here as a newbie....it is so welcoming and lovely. I hope to be a regular visitor!
Life Potentials Network- Our cherry trees were in bloom a couple of weeks ago, so I know spring is coming your way soon.
Thanks for dropping by and please come again soon!
Oh how nice! My peonies are still a couple of weeks away!
My neighbor lives in England for part of the year. The last time she was there, her daughter came to her house and ripped out all of her beutiful peonie plants (Deep pink, light pink and white) and THREW THEM AWAY! Why, we have no idea, but I would have gladly taken them had I know. The peonies I have in my garden are from my Nana's house, who passed away in 1992. My irises are about to bloom..pale yellow and so pretty!
Michaele- What a sad, sad thing to do...throw the peonies away. It takes years to grow and nurture them and they are such a gorgeous plant. I know your friend must have been just sick about it.
And how special that your peonies came from your Nana! That makes them ever more precious.
glad to see that you do gardening. We do too, we grow from tomatoes to peppers to many other vegetables and pretty flowers as well.
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