I've decided to offer this feature each week. I think it will be fun to look back over our week and decide what positive thing we should congratulate ourselves on.
If you could give yourself a Merit Badge for Excellence Award this week, which would it be:
1. Reading
2. Gardening
3. Friendship
4. Nurse
5. Home Interior
6. Patience
7. Mother of the week
8. Hostess
9. Seamstress
10. Writing
11. Painting
12. Something else?
***Tell us why you should receive this award, then go ahead and award it to yourself. Draw it on a blank sheet of paper and hang it on your refrigerator.
I would give myself the NURSE MERIT BADGE. Making sure my little schnauzer, Riley, didn't chew on his stitches was a constant nursing job.
Definitely GARDENING. All the deck pots are planted, and the gardens tilled. Next week we'll get those planted, if it ever stops raining!
Joanne- The weather experts are promising a warm sunny weekend for us. I'm sure it's coming your way.
Endurance, that's the one for me, definitely. I have had a sore eye all week, which was extremely aggravating and distressing. I have got to the end of the week with it and it is getting better, with doctor's help. So, please can I have that award for endurance?
Blessings, Star
I'll take the PATIENCE award for the simple fact that I'm learning to be more patient with myself, the one I usually forget to it! I cannot do it all, I can't finish all I've started or wanted to start, and ya know what? That's ok.
Is there one for Bed Buyer of the Week? Since my Mum got back to her nursing home from the hospital last Friday, she's been having trouble with shortness of breath. The home she's in is wonderful, but only provides ordinary flat beds. She said on the phone on Tuesday morning that when she was in the Transition Unit in another nursing home, with a hospital style bed, she could raise the head of the bed when she was short of breath, and that would help. So I got her a hospital-style bed, the electric kind so she just has to press a button to raise or lower the head or foot of the bed -- and it has helped her quite a bit. That was my major achievement this week.
Star- I'm sorry to hear about your eye. Sometimes our bodies ask so much from us. Don't they? Yes, give yourself the endurance award. You deserve it!
Wishing you a rapid recovery.
suZen- We ladies forget ourselves quite frequently. We love and are patience with others, but don't always give ourselves permission to be imperfect. Be especially kind to yourself. They say we only live once.
scb- That is a wonderful and loving achievement. Give yourself a badge. Good job!!
Hmm, I've been trying to think if I had done anything worthy of a merit badge this week...I guess if I had to pick something it might be for friendship, because I have been trying to encourage and lift up one of the ladies that I go to bible study with.
Anita- The friendship badge is so important and so rare. A true friend is very hard to find. Thanks for sharing this with us.
I would award myself the badge for writing. I work for a large church with an equally large staff. Many of them have never worked outside the church, and some are barely beyond college. So it falls to me to write and/or edit everything from website content to bulletins, from letters to parents to a plethera of other documents.
Thank you for the opportunity to stand awhile in the limelight.
Kathleen- You're a busy lady indeed--one that, I'm sure, brings a wealth of knowledge to those less experienced. Your church is very fortunate to have someone like you at the helm.
Cute idea! I'm going to give myself a writing award.
Heather- The last thing we usually do, is give ourselves credit for our successes. Every Friday, we'll give ourselves and each other, a little pat on the back.
I guess the PAINTING merit badge would be mine since I am having such a wonderful time re-learning how to oil paint!
I would give my self a Mothering award. I drove 300 miles in a rented car to be with my daughter Nikki when she had surgery this morning. She said good by toi her uterus. Shes doing OK but is feeling a little sad.
I would award myself a merit badge for RESILIENCE. Things are really economically bad in the U.K. just now, as they are in many countries. Our family, along with thousands of others, has been affected..... wage cuts and mounting bills. But still hubby and I are using all our entrepreneurial skills to devise new and novel ways of making some extra cash! lol
I'd give myself a variety badge--I gardened, went to multiple kid's sport's activities, volunteered with my neighborhood group, traveled, and trained Beautiful Girl--all in one week. Whew! I never did get to bake my Strawberry-Rhubarb pie. I'll try today, if it hasn't gotten too pithy.
Pat- Yes, you deserve a badge for painting. Your art work is gorgeous!
Lea- I'm glad to hear Nikki is ok and that you are there for her.
Lesley- I'm sorry to hear about the economy. It's a sad and scarry thing for all of us. I hope things get better for you and your family.
Linda- Your are in the midst of the busiest time of your life. Enjoy!
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