Riley barking a little....he's just happy to see you.
But since then, he has become obsessed with the stitches and wants to lick at them constantly.
Well, now, he's gotten himself into a "pickle"....having to wear one of my shirts to protect his wound. He's very embarrassed to be wearing it. I've told him that if he doesn't co-operate, he's going to have to wear a "cone" around his neck and then life is going to get much worse. What will he do when his girlfriends come over to visit (platonic, of course)?
Wish us luck!
Goooooood Luck. a good boy and don't touch your boo-boo, or mom is going to put that silly cone on your neck and then won't you feel foolish.
I love your t-shirt.
Dawn- Keep your fingers crossed for us.
He's sooo cute!!! good luck with the t-shirt....several years ago, one of my Jack Russell's ate the cast off her leg during the night..that was fun!! and once i had to donate my Micky Mouse sweatshirt for the goat.....isn't life grand!!
LindaMay- Boy, what we do for them! He's wearing my nice Nike jogging t-shirt in the photo. I'm sure the garment will never be the same. It's all about love, isn't it?
Aww poor guy! Riley...My Bronson and Pepper want you to be encouraged not to lick those stitches! You may have to wear that shirt for a bit, but don't get disheartened! Trust them...they don't recommend the cone! And just to let you in on a little secret...their momma is mean sometimes and makes them wear clothes just because she thinks it's cute! So head's up and licking the stitches!!
Anita- Riley very much appreciates your advice and concern.
Poor little guy. Mind your Mom and don't mess with your stitches. Good luck.
Lol! Sorry Riley.... I can't help laughing but you look sooooooo sweet in that t-shirt! :D Our Charlie says to try to leave your stitches alone.... he had to wear a cone some years ago and he hated it. I can vouch for that because he wouldn't stop shaking his head and he kept knocking ornaments down with it! I hope it doesn't get too itchy and heals very quickly. :)
Barbara- he looks adorable in your shirt! Glad it the cyst wasn't anything too major.
When our puppy had surgery she wore a clear cone for a while. It was hilarious because since she could see through the cone, she kept bumping into things.
When Sam had stitches, he was depressed with having a cone on his head so I also used a t-shirt. But, I put bitter apple on a cotton ball and wiped (not anywhere close the incision) the area where his mouth my touch. That taught him that the stitches were nasty. Also, Vicks vapor rub for an area farther away from the incision but close enough to remind him not to tough. Hope this helps. Sam says, Be cool, Dude. You don't want to wear a cone like my mommy put on me."
Hopefully the shirt will do the trick. They are downright pitiful if they have to wear a cone.
Tell Riley that La La, a very pretty, shy and quiet Doberman in Spokane, thinks he looks verrrrry handsome in his shirt...!!!
Cindy- Riley says he will try to mind his mom. He also says thanks for thinking about him.
Lesley- Riley says to be sure and look at his new photo tomorrow. He has a new shirt that his mom fixed up for him.
Dani- I saw a little dog at the vet's with a cone on and it looked soooo sad. I hope Riley never has to wear one. It would break his heart.
CCDaydreams- Tell Sam that Riley says "hi" back!
Missy- Thanks so much for thinking of Riley.
Michaele- Tell La La that Riley loves the ladies, especially tall ones!
Hi Barbara, I just wanted to say thank you. You have to be one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet over the Internet or in person. It means so much to me and I'm sure to everyone else that you acknowledge our comments. You really make me feel welcome, appreciated and at ease. I've said this before, but I really do enjoy visiting your blog. Thanks again.
Cindy- I love my friends here. You are all like wonderful neighbors. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness!
Poor Riley. when I had a little dog like that that had stitches I went to a second hand store and bough an infant shirt with long sleeves. It worked. I put a sweatshirt on a baby horse once that was born in a storm and it was cold a few days (Guess you wouldn't know we named him Stormy). It worked wonderful and Nikki had a Dobie and when she got old and was cold she wore a sweatshirt with the hood up over her cold ears. You be good now Riley and listen to your mom.
Lea- You've had a ton of experience with animals and I know how much you love them all. Thanks for your words to Riley.
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