Hello friends!
I received an email today from our daughter Lori (Kendyl Grace's grandmother). Many of you have been keeping up with Kendyl's progress and know that she was born a few months ago with a very serious intestinal condition. She made a miraculous recovery and came home from the hospital for the first time on Thanksgiving Eve.
Lori's email is primarily to all of you who prayed with us for Kendyl.
"I wanted to take a moment out of this busy time to update all our prayer warriors on Kendyl's progress. She has been to her doctor twice since leaving the hospital and each time her doctors have been very pleased with her progress.She has been steadily gaining weight and is now officially 9 lbs 2 oz! She is eating on demand (and she is very demanding) and sleeping when everyone is up and staying awake when everyone wants to go to bed. So in other words, she is a typical newborn!!
She has started to smile and coo. She loves to lay on her back and look up and around. She can be a bit fussy here and there and has maintained her stubborn streak!
Have a very MERRY Christmas and I have attached a new picture to remind you of your prayer miracle!!! God Bless!! Lori and Joe"
What a very sweet baby and what a blessing. God answers our prayers in way that we can't even think about. I am happy that your were answered. connie
What a beautiful baby girl. Thanks for the update. God is so faithful.
Connie- Thank you so much for dropping by.
Lea- I like the photo!
Thank you for your comment. I will checking out your journal later in the day. Just from glancing - I think we have a lot in common. Have a day full of blessings.
She looks like an angel! God is indeed good!
Love to all,
Such a wonderful blessing for you and your family.
She's so beautiful! What a blessing her little life is.
Oh MY! She looks so cute in that picture! What a little doll.
One Woman- Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pat- We will always praise God for this blessing.
Janna- Thank you for your kindness.
Astaryth- Yes, we have a real live doll.
What wonderful news! Praise the Lord!
Melissa- I agree...Praise the Lord!
She's a miracle.
Now there's a family Christmas gift never to be forgotten!!!
Angie- The family will hand this story down to her when she's a little older. I'm also keeping all the posts and comments for her scrapbook.
What a beautiful Christmas celebration in your family! How sweet that she is smiling and cooing, spreading her happiness.
Joanne- I can't wait to hold her again!!
What a great idea of keeping her story and on passing it to her when she is older. God has a special plan for her. I wish I were closer I would love to hold her and celebrate the season of with the family. Your blog makes me feel as if I am there. Merry Christmas and May God bless us everyone.
Walt- Thank you so much for holding Kendyl in your heart. Wish you could see her. She's precious. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Praise God for a wondeful report! She is beautiful!
Terri- Thank you!
That's great to hear! Glad she's doing so much better!
Thanks for keeping us updated!
Avily- Thank you for your interest and concern.
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