Thursday, July 31, 2008

A Busy Day

Yesterday was a busy day. I worked on the blog until late morning and then went out in the backyard to have my lunch under the big walnut trees. It was so chilly that I had to come back into the house! I can't believe it's this cool in July... here in the Northwest.

In early afternoon, while browsing at the Christian Gift Center, I found another version of the Bible that I didn't have in my collection. The title is "The Message//Remix: Pause." This version is designed to take the reader through the entire Bible in one year. Everyday one reads both from the Old Testament and the New Testament and every seventh day is a day of reflection with no assigned reading. There are also reflection questions in the middle and at the end of each day's reading, so I can stop at intervals and think about what I've read. It's a very different type of scripture study and one that I think will be interesting. I'll let you know how it goes. Whenever you're visiting your Christian book store, take a look at a copy. Or if any of you want to buy a copy and study along with me, I think that would be fun. Let me know.

Becka came over to my house around 6:00 p.m. After a snack of fresh orange slices, we secured our bikes to her car's bike rack and drove to the bike path. We had a "blast" as we rode our bikes, for at least a mile in both directions, on a beautiful shaded path that runs along side the river. We're going again tonight-- Jim may join us if his bike is fixed by then. I'm still a little nervous, but I'm getting better every time I ride. I'm so glad that I took a chance at getting on a bike again....after all these years of not riding. It's going to be good for me...I can feel it already and I'm also looking forward to lots of trail-side picnics and "peddling" adventures.

"The glory of God is a fully alive person." - Saint Irenaeus


Anonymous said...

Dear Barbara,

You've been writing so many good post lately. Both my daughters like The Message bible.
I saw your post on 12 books that have helped you. I was going to steal that basic idea for my Thursday 13 post, but then I thought about songs.
It can be a challenge to think up things to write about.
It sounds like you are having a wonderful time on your bike.


Patty H. said...

Good Morning.
I never learned how to ride a bike. Would like to tho. If I could find one with a big enough seat.
Patty H.